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NeoSan Labs Debuts Cleaning Service Verification System

NeoSan Labs Debuts Cleaning Service Verification System

Albuquerque, New Mexico USA, May 18, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / A new program from NeoSan Labs allows commercial customers to verify that a cleaning or decontamination service has been performed. The new Connect program is an integrated, cloud-based way for professional service to track and report the level of service or special treatment completed at a specific job site. Connect also allows the service provider’s customers to view these details about what was done, by whom and when.

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“Our new Connect program is revolutionary because it takes less than 1 minute to activate the sticker at a job site,” said Greg Charillon, CEO of NeoSan Labs, whose products provide hospital-grade sterilization and are fragrance free, biodegradable, nonflammable and certified by the Green Clean Institute. “Now professional service providers can stand out from the competition by assuring their existing and new customers that they have used the most powerful, proven products to disinfect and sanitize surfaces and the air we all share.”

The Connect Sticker allows customers and end users to visit the NeoSan Labs Connect Portal to see which specific cleaning services or special treatments were performed, who did the work and how long ago.

Cost effective and appropriate for daily use, NeoSan Labs products are listed on the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s List-N (#93672) as an all-in-one antibacterial, cleaner, mildewstat, decontaminant, disinfectant, deodorizer, fungicide, algaecide and virucide.

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